Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Don't Want Nobody To Give Me Nothin'

In a predictable 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the
firefighters who were denied promotions because several lower
courts viewed the uniformity of their complexion as proof that the
New Haven promotion process was potentially flawed. This is not a
litmus test on Judge Sotomayor’s fitness for the High Court; it is
really a refutation of the long-held and wrong-headed notion that
minorities can’t achieve unless they are given special dispensations.
Almost from the beginning, the implementers of affirmative action
got it wrong. They looked at the evidence, coupled it with their bias,
and presumed that minorities had not achieved at the rate of their
white counterparts because they were under-qualified while
conveniently ignoring that most of the original complainants had
filed because they were denied advancement while less qualified
white applicants leapfrogged over them. What minorities require,
and what has long been lacking, is an level playing field. Don’t
change anything. Just open up the door, we’ll get it ourselves.

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