Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's hard out here for a Black Superhero

This article:,2933,483544,00.html
illustrates everything that works against black superheroes. First of
all, the very notion of comic book heroes - homoerotic characters
who run around with their underwear outside their clothes - works
against everything but an ironic (see Jerry Craft's Obamanation
character in above article) or "post" ironic black superhero characters
(Static Shock with his black Malcolm X baseball cap).

This may explain why the most successful black superhero characters
(Spawn, the Black Panther) cover their faces with masks - if you were
parading around in skin tight tights, a cape AND your underwear on
the outside of your uniform you would wear a mask, too!

It's hard out there for a black superhero.

I direct you Damon Wayans' Blank Man or Robert Townsend's
Meteor Man to see the notion of a black superheroes taken to
its ridiculous conclusion.

Finally, as whenever a big deal is made about black firsts, seconds or
lasts, this is much ado about nothing. If FOX or anybody else is
serious about black superheroes or believes seriously that there is a
market for black superheroes, all they have to do is ring up Dwayne
McDuffie. I am sure Mr. McDuffie is more than willing to dust off a
few "Icons."