Wednesday, September 3, 2008

White Trash Theater

I like White Trash Theater as much as the next guy: Paris Hilton, Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, Lauren and Heidi from The Hills, et al. But the white trash drama of Sarah Palin's 17 year-old unmarried daughter being five months pregnant is not must see TV.

The Republican spin doctors want to couch this as a personal matter for the Palin family but it speaks directly to Palin's judgment - or her lack thereof. She rails against the teaching of sex education and contraception in schools (even though studies show children who receive sex education are sixty percent less likely to become teen parents) and reaps the bitter fruit of such wrong-headed policy based on antiquated religious beliefs.

It is just this sort of religious knuckleheadism that has us embroiled in the fiasco in Iraq. I am sure Bush prayed before he made one of the more disastrous decisions in American history. And, to channel Dr. Phil, how did that work out for us?

I am further alarmed by Palin’s sacrificing her seventeen year-old daughter to political expedience. The family's knee-jerk reaction to force the child into a shotgun wedding will just make a bad situation worse. Simply stated, how is Governor Palin fit to run the country when she can’t even run her own home?

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