Monday, August 31, 2009


Slang term for a score of 8 on any individual hole of golf, so called because the figure "8" resembles the body of snowman.

On May 25, 2009 I celebrated my fifty-third birthday. Five plus three equals eight which makes this my “snowman” year. Being a Gemini, I embrace the duality of this number – the futility (but, yes, the determination and dogged persistence) of taking eight extra shots to sink a putt on the golf course and the endless possibilities of the infinity sign which, for all intents and purposes, is just an eight laid on its side. My last “snowman” year (2000, when I turned 44) ushered in a near decade of futility, lost and regret. But, life being what it is: six of one and a half dozen of another, my most recent natal eight seems to be lying alluringly on its side – like a plump Botero nude.

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